The Binga District is renowned for the Binga Basket, a wholly natural woven basket. This famous basket provides the creative foundation of many well-known heritage crafts, which are all unique to Zimbabwe.
In conjunction with artisans from the Binga District, Jane Taylor has workshopped a new basket design, the Binga Bright. Headed up by Master Artisan Selina, this group of 50 artisans cherish their surroundings. The Ilala Palm is regeneratively harvested and the salvaged plastic is collected locally, sustaining both their land and their craft enterprise. Both materials are woven together to make our signature Binga Bright, resulting in entirely distinctive pieces, none of which is the same.
More colours and patterns are available for this product, contact us to discover the full range.
Price: AED168 - AED255
Available sizes:
31x35 cm
36x40 cm
41x45 cm
46x50 cm
51x55 cm
For more information and to place an order, please contact us